Wednesday 4 February 2015

Introduction and explanation

Let me explain my twitter name...

When it comes to choosing any sort of digital handle, we have (likely) all been caught out. I remember as a teenager many of my friends regretting their email account addresses after a few years. juicygirl87@email.address isn't particularly appealing as a contact address beyond about 15. I myself, used to use a rather babyish email address which I only jettisoned in 2013 due to many year of dependence on it. I had been using it for so many years (and had given it as a contact address to so many people) that I felt anxious about getting rid of it.

I first joined twitter in 2008. Although the handle I creating is a sort of joke, I have kept it and continue to use it, even for more academic/professional twitter exchanges. @archivmyface comes from trying to thing of a way to express 'remember me' in computer language. How might this sentiment be less abstract and more computer friendly: subject>predicate>object. As childish as my twitter handle may be, I like it and intent to keep on using it. Hopefully its whimsy can be separate my twitter account (which I use genuinely to discuss and share interests) from my professional email accounts and other logins and electronic passports. @firstname.lastname felt too impersonal and unoriginal. So like it or lump, @archivemyface is around to stay....