Sunday 6 September 2015

The corrupting rhetoric of austerity within pulic libraries debate

As many of you will likely already be aware of, London Borough of Bromley is currently undergoing consultation for 'cost-saving measures' within its library service which may lead to a much smaller service in Bromley. Full information can be found here: I would highly recommend adding to this online survey if you live in Bromley as I believe input is greatly needed so that local communities' voices can be heard. While filling out the survey, I noticed a question mid-way which I felt I had to address in more detail. I would like to share my thoughts on this subject as I feel strongly. Below is what I submitted: "Do you have any other ideas as to how the Council could make significant savings within the current library service ? Please let us know your thoughts, we have allowed up to 750 characters for your response (my response) I question the notion that savings automatically need to be made to a service which is vital to local communities. Perhaps it might be better to ask: what will be the human cost to the community of reducing funding to library services within Bromley? Can Bromley afford literacy levels to fall? Can Bromley afford less public services which help people to add economically to society as well as have a culturally positive impact to their communities? Can Bromley afford to cut off access to the internet (free of charge) for job seekers within the area? Can Bromley afford the loss of a safe and stimulating place for children which promotes inclusion as well as education for all? If like me you agree that Bromley cannot afford to lose any of these vital services, please do everything possible to challenge this consultants' rhetoric." The survey closes this month, so hurry if you want to be included!